Backgammon is a game for two players, played on a board consisting of twenty-four narrow triangles called points. The object of the game is to move all your checkers into your own home
Articles and Presentations
Backgammon is the most infuriating yet fascinating of games. It will provide you with highs and lows of emotion that you will find scarcely credible. Enjoy it!
Backgammon analysis has changed reflecting the increasing power and influence of computers.
Commander, and expert backgammon player, Julius High uses military terminology and strategies to define, illustrate, and emphasize fundamental backgammon principles.
A summary of Phil Simborg and Mochy’s 2013 presentation in San Antonio
Backgammon is a classic board game that people around the world have enjoyed for centuries.
A principles-based approach to mastering the 651 most common 2nd-roll positions in backgammon. Store these in your memory for easy retrieval.
This is the second article in the Opening Rolls series. It covers three rolls: 62, 63, and 64.
This invitation is directed to the “social players” on all the backgammon playing sites where there are large numbers of regulars who have never played in a live tournament.
Art Benjamin shares some of his secrets with us in this hour-long engaging video lecture.
Learning backgammon basics and having fun while doing it!
This article is the first in a series intended to address how to play when the game is still in its formative stages.