Giants of Backgammon
The Giants of Backgammon list ranks players from around the world based on their performance and active involvement in backgammon. Every two years, championship-level players and tournament directors submit their ranking, and results are tabulated and published by committee members Yamin Yamin, John Stryker, Jake Jacobs, and Carol Joy Cole.
Photos and previous lists of the Giants can be found at
Here are the current top 32 international players with the most votes, followed by runners-up 33 through 64.
2022 Giants of Backgammon
wdt_ID | Rank | Name (previous rank) | Country | Total Ballots | Total First Place Votes | Total Points |
1 | 1 | Masayuki Mochizuki (1) | Japan | 163 | 70 | 4,774 |
2 | 2 | Sander Lylloff (28) | Denmark | 154 | 50 | 4,385 |
3 | 3 | Michihito Kageyama (2) | Japan | 162 | 5 | 4,196 |
4 | 4 | Zdenek Zizka (12) | Czech Rep | 158 | 1 | 3,675 |
5 | 5 | Victor Ashkenazi (3) | USA | 136 | 3 | 3,309 |
6 | 6 | Dirk Schiemann (31) | Germany | 136 | 1 | 2,929 |
7 | 7 | Wilcox Snellings (29) | Costa Rica | 114 | 4 | 2,673 |
8 | 8 | Hideaki Ueda (27) | Japan | 118 | 3 | 2,540 |
9 | 9 | Thomas Tenland (16) | Sweden | 105 | 0 | 2,035 |
10 | 10 | John O'Hagan (9) | USA | 110 | 0 | 1,903 |