UBC 2021 This position is taken from the Ultimate Backgammon Championship 2021 Final between “Mochy" Mochizuki and Dirk Schiemann.
A Blast from the Past This position is taken from Jeff Ward’s 1982 book ‘Winning is More Fun’. Red was Nack Ballard and White was Kent Goulding and this was the final…
Scary Double It should be clear Red has a huge double, due to the volatility of the position. Now the difficult part, should White take or drop?
Learning Match Play Early on in one’s match playing career you learn the difference between playing unlimited games and playing matches.
Middle Game Double This position is deceptive. Red seems to control the whole board and this looks to be a strong double that White might not be able to take.
Match Score Influence In a money game a double here would be premature and XG rates it as a blunder (just)