Neil Kazaross
Known as a Backgammon Superman, Neil resides in Chicago, Illinois where he is a stock trader. He has achieved notoriety as the number 3 Giant of Backgammon in the world and is the all-time number one player in the American Backgammon Tour standings spanning a period of sixteen years. At the Chicago Bar Point Club, he earned the title of “Player of the Year” five times. He has presented seminars and live commentary at international tournaments.
Using his brilliant analytical mind, he and another world-class player David Rockwell, co-authored the Rockwell/Kazaross MET (Match Equity Table), which is widely used today. He is famous for inventing “Neil’s Numbers,” a short-hand method of calculating match equities over the board. Neil racked up his record of all-time ABT leader with victories throughout the U.S, over the last decade and took the prestigious British Open title in 1999. He won the 2011 USBGF National Championship, was a member of the Chicago Bears team that won the 2011 USBGF National Club Team Championship, won the 2011 Central States Invitational, placed 2nd in the 2011 1st Golden Gate Backgammon Open Championship, and has many other victories too numerous to cite.