Butch, an accomplished engineer, dedicated countless hours to creating fair drawsheets for complex tournament formats. His meticulous work contributed toward equitable tournaments and provided a valuable service to tournament directors. Butch also published the Hoosier Backgammon Club newsletter, which consisted of 243 issues from September 1984 through 2005.
Mary Ann, a compassionate registered nurse, demonstrated her unwavering commitment through 13 medical missions to Haiti, inspiring fundraisers within the backgammon community. She also served as the Hoosier newsletter’s proofreader, ensuring its quality.
For over two decades, the Meeses ran the Hoosier Backgammon Club. Together, they organized and directed the Indiana Open and Indiana Classic from 1984 through 1988, and then from 1989 through 2006 ran tournaments over the Labor Day weekend. They collaborated with and were on staff for esteemed events such as the World Cup, Las Vegas Open, and 35 years of Michigan Summer Championships.
Their tireless efforts and expertise have enriched our backgammon community and touched the lives of many. We celebrate their remarkable achievements and express our gratitude for their exceptional contributions to our community.