ABT Online! Tournaments
Real-Time Online Competition Since 2020
As part of our American Backgammon Tour, ABT Online! tournaments allow you to compete and earn points from the comfort of your own home. These online tournaments play out in real-time and because you are in voice — and sometimes video — communication with your opponent they have a social feel. The ABT Online! was originally created in 2020 in response to COVID restrictions as a substitute for in-person events. However, because players enjoy the convenience and unique advantages of real-time online competition, ABT Online! has become a permanent fixture.
The ABT Online! is a partnership between the USBGF and qualified directors and organizers. Players entering ABT Online! tournaments have the opportunity to earn points toward annual and all-time ABT Online! rankings. Players may also earn USBGF online master points.  ABT Online! point leaders will be recognized at the annual USBGF Awards Dinner.
A USBGF membership is required to play in an ABT Online! sanctioned event.