DMP Problem

The play at DMP is often very different from when there is a live cube.

Save the Straggler

Can White’s straggler get home quickly often enough to justify taking Red’s very powerful redouble?

Third Roll Question

This position arises after Red opens 21 played 13/11, 6/5 and White responds with 66 and makes both bar points. How should Red play this 42?

A Doubling Problem

When looking at any match play problem you should first seek to determine what the correct action in a money game would be.


The bots have taught us a lot about containment. Before the early 1990s we really weren’t very good at containing hit checkers!

A Question of Strategy

The two blots in White’s home board give Red the licence to make a bold play. The question is what is the right game plan?

Avoiding Contact

An apparently simple position but only one move is not a triple blunder or worse.

One Checker Back

One of backgammon’s more useful adages is this: “Prime an anchor, attack a lone rear checker.”