Safety First

There are times in backgammon when you have to play safely, and this is one of them.

When in Doubt

The age-old saying in backgammon is, “when in doubt, hit”.

Always Have a Game Plan

Always having a game plan is a key to winning backgammon. This is not a difficult problem if you follow that idea. Should Red be blitzing or priming h…

Stop and Think

Is the fact that Red has his 5-pt made enough to change his play from the standard 24/18, 13/11?

An Early Problem

We can quickly reject 8/2, 6/2 which creates an ugly structure and one that is difficult to put back together again.

An Early Conundrum

It is ever so easy to play bar/24, 13/11 here without thinking. Sadly, that move is a blunder.

Learning Match Play

Early on in one’s match playing career you learn the difference between playing unlimited games and playing matches.