Candace Mayeron, tournament producer and promoter, is recognized for her innovative leadership in bringing show-business glamour and excitement to backgammon events with Oscar-like awards, banners and backdrops, red carpets, and raffles. Candace has reawakened an interest in the iconic Seventies backgammon decade through her non-tournament activities. She gathered and displayed a treasure trove of historical memorabilia on social media and at live events; produced an archival video of the three living female World Champions — Lee Genud, Katie Scalamandre and Akiko Yawaza; and in 2018 she gathered a dozen historic luminaries like Kent Goulding, Roger Low, David Leibowitz, Danny Kleinman and several others from the Seventies, to celebrate the life of Paul Magriel at his Tribute Dinner in Los Angeles.
With the popular Los Angeles Open and California State Championship American Backgammon Tour tournaments as her platforms, Candace has become an impresario of backgammon by introducing special activities and off-site excursions. Making every event even more special, she persuades international backgammon superstars to attend her live and online tournaments and seminars including: Falafel, Mochy, Michy, Akiko, Arda Fındıkoğlu, Nevzat Dogan, Hideaki Ueda and the Great Danes (including Marc Olsen). She travels to almost a dozen domestic tournaments annually and often staffs as a volunteer for her fellow directors.
A regular contributor to PrimeTime Magazine with articles and photographs, Candace is a strong supporter of the USBGF and serves on the Tournament Directors Advisory Committee and contributes financially as a Silver Founding Sponsor.